

Patentability Searches

We perform a comprehensive novelty search for an invention disclosed by the inventors, to ascertain the novel aspect of the idea and whether it is worth to file a patent for the invention.

The objective of this study is to analyze the state of the art, and further evaluate the idea. It helps the clients to evolve their idea and suggests strategic opinions on the patent filing or next steps.

Patent Drafting

Highbrow IP has an experienced patent application drafting team that helps the clients to prepare patent drafts which meets the statutory requirements of various patent offices and are in compliance with the required patent drafting standards.

Also, both Provisional and Non-Provisional applications are drafted at Highbrow IP, and specific sections (such as Background, Claims, Summary, etc) can also be drafted based on the client's requirements.

Office Action Response

Our team has a rich experience in drafting a response for the office action during the patent prosecution. An in-depth study of patent and file history is involved, to craft an appropriate response for each office action.

The office action response helps the clients in prosecution to overcome the prior art cited by the examiner by making relevant arguments and/or modifications in the current claims

Patent Filing

We help our clients in filing patent applications in India. We have patent agents who support and execute end-to-end patent filing procedure on behalf of our clients.